Sustainability targets affect also company's business premises. The sustainability of business premises is a value choice alongside the company’s other sustainability choices.
We help you plan premises that support the needs of users as well as the business operations, growth and development of your organisation.
We build new buildings tailored to the customer’s needs, carry out renovation projects and develop diverse office premises, commercial premises, industrial buildings and production and logistics premises. Business premises construction also covers the planning and implementation of public building projects, such as learning environments, multi-purpose buildings, well-being centres and hospitals.
In life cycle projects, we take responsibility not only for the construction of the business premises but also for long-term services and maintenance.
We also carry out pipe renovations for housing companies. In addition, we build residential projects on a contracting basis.
Projects can be implemented using, for example, a cooperative project management contract, an alliance or a life cycle model. We were the first in Finland to implement a building construction project using the Public Private Partnership model. We also build hybrid projects.
It is a matter of honour for us that our customers can trust us to be a responsible partner. Responsibility is first and foremost actions, which is why ESG matters are at the core of our strategy. We want to be an industry pioneer in responsibility by seeking and providing solutions together with our customers. Read more about responsible business premises.
We have excellent project competence and lots of experience of projects requiring special skills. We use open and inclusive cooperation models. Cooperative project management contract projects are our particular strength, and we have the alliance model in use in many projects.