Asemanmäki parking hall, Järvenpää

We built one extra floor in the old parking hall in the city centre of Järvenpää with the end result of 83 new customer parking spaces. The parking hall remained in use throughout the construction.

We raised an old parking hall in the city centre of Järvenpää, which was originally cast in the 1980s. One extra floor was added to the originally three-storey parking hall, the facades were refurbished, and the frame structures were also reinforced. We also built a lift in the parking hall. The project was challenging. The parking hall remained in use throughout the construction.

The end result is 83 new customer parking spaces. The total area of the parking hall is more than 2,000 square metres. The project was started in May 2022 and was brought to completion in January 2023.
The Asemanmäki parking hall is part of the Järvenpää Bulevardikortteli block.

This was the first mixed waste free pilot site of YIT’s Infrastructure segment that aimed to recycle all the waste it generated as far as possible. Before the project, it was necessary to carefully plan how sorting would take place in practice. The target of mixed waste free site was attained successfully, as only 2% of all the waste generated in the project was mixed waste. This was achieved with the help of, e.g., an electronic sorting plan, multilingual sorting instructions, signposted collection tools, and various electronic channels and other expert services.

The Asemamäki parking hall is one of YIT’s Industrial construction sites that used the advanced digital Industrial Construction System that helps foremen in work planning. The phasing of the construction site was planned according to takt time. The takt time was reviewed with the contractors on a weekly basis to make production more efficient.

Takt time production allowed all parties involved to see the current status and what remained to be done at all times. The Industrial Construction System made it possible to better grasp an overview of the entire construction process and respond to future tasks together with subcontractors to ensure timely completion of the project.

Takt production provides a schedule for material deliveries on a construction site

Parking solutions


Project name
Asemanmäki parking hall
KOy Järvenpään Asemamäen Paikoitustalo
Project status
Business segment