We are committed to the Paris Climate Agreement and our objectives, to be achieved by 2030, are carbon neutrality in our own operations and emission reductions of over 30% in construction, using 2019 as the baseline.
We promote the achievement of the objectives at Espoon Vadelma as follows:
Emission calculation
Among other things, carbon footprint calculations are used in residential construction for choosing materials that place less burden on the environment.
Renewable electricity at a construction site
Wind-generated electricity is the only source of energy used at construction sites.
Water fixtures
Kitchens, bathrooms and toilets are equipped with water-saving water fixtures such as taps.
Waste sorting system at home
Kitchens are equipped with a waste sorting system to help with recycling.
Recycling at a housing company
The process of sorting waste for recycling is tidy and efficient thanks to modern recycling points in housing companies.
Geothermal heat
Apartments and domestic water are heated with geothermal heat, which is incomparably emission-free.
Water consumption
Apartment-specific monitoring of consumption in YIT’s own service channel (YIT Plus) helps in water-saving.