Hybrid Work

Hybrid Work

Innovating the future of work

next generation work -report cover image

Together with The NextGen Project, we launched the YIT NextGen Hybrid Work Lab, where we picked 30 young talents to innovate on the themes of future of work. The main theme was hybrid work, exploring the perspectives of technology, people and spaces. The Hybrid Work Lab is a combination of lectures, group work and discussions with other inspiring change-makers.

How to lead hybrid teams? How to revitalise traditional office spaces for hybrid work? What are the visionary and smart technology solutions for hybrid work? Among other things, the project aimed to find concrete solutions to these questions.

How to lead Hybrid work?
Download the report

How to lead people when knowledge work is done partly at the office and partly from home?
How to harness the ways of action, premises and technologies to support employee well-being and, at the same time, enable efficient business?

In cooperation with The NextGen Project and Microsoft, we have compiled a report called
“Leading hybrid work: Five lessons for executives”,
which was supplemented with the perspectives of business experts and next generation leaders. 

The publication is a concise information package for leaders on how to develop sustainable hybrid work practices and processes.
It also includes means of influencing the company image, reputation and attractiveness amongst current and future employees.

Download report here