
Workery+ - a big plus for safety and security

Many people are now wondering whether it is safe to return to the office. In Workery+, both information and health security have been taken to a higher level.

”The safety and health of the premises must be guaranteed so that companies and their employees can return to the office. YIT's Workery+ business premisesconcept largely started out from developing safety,”says EVP Anders Stenbäck from YIT’s service development unit.

In the Workery+ concept, companies contract workspaces for the desired number of employees and pay for the space according to use. They can rent private facilities, open-plan workstations or an optimal combination of the two with a flexible agreement. Stenbäck points out that when both private offices and shared spaces are available, the importance of information and other security is particularly important.

Cyber security is monitored regularly

Employees at Workery+ have a mobile application that works as a membership card and access pass, among others. It is also used to book workstations and conference rooms on the shared premises.

”Checking in is essential as it helps maintain a high level of safety and ensures that unauthorised individuals cannot access the premises,” Stenbäck says.

Businesses can securely store confidential information in the lockable offices they have rented for their own use without having to worry about unauthorised access. In addition to the offices, spaces such as conference rooms have been soundproofed and the glass walls of the conference rooms have been covered with taping to protect them from the eyes of outsiders.

Cybersecurity, including Wi-Fi connections, has been authorised. An external investigator assesses the situation regularly.

”Our partner Netox monitors that things are organised on site so that information cannot leak from one company to another. Wireless connections, for example, are end-to-end encrypted, and you can only obtain your own papers from the printer with your application.”

The premises also make use of innovative real estate technology applications. The shared KEKO ecosystem of YIT, KONE, Nokia, Caverion, Halton and Netoxin aims to improve the comfort, productivity and eco-friendliness of real estate by adapting the data from all of the technical systems onto a shared platform. In fact, the intelligent real estate technology used in the Workery+ concept made it a winner of the international Smart Building Global Award.

”Our goal is to combine an excellent service concept and new technology for a world-class customer experience,” Stenbäck emphasises.

Hygiene and ergonomics at a high level

However, Workery+ security solutions are not confined to technology only.  In spatial planning, safety and health concerns have been taken into account with adequate space, ergonomic furniture and hand sanitation points, among other things. Every Workery+ member can use an adjustable electric desk and select between a saddle stool and a chair with arm and back rests.

”Our office has contactless taps and light switches. In addition, workstation surfaces are antimicrobial. Conference rooms and other places where people sit or spend time are cleaned and disinfected regularly,” says Stenbäck.

In Workery+, health security even extends to the breathing air. Genano’s innovative air purification systems are used in the premises because, according to research conducted by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, they eliminate 99.999 per cent of the bacteria and viruses in indoor air.

Workery+ has been awarded for a groundbreaking concept and it has won the “Smartest Building in the world 2021” award at the international Real Estate Futureproof event.

The first Workery+ opened at Sturenkatu 16, in Vallila, Helsinki,in May 2021. Learn more about Workery+ here. As a result, the Workery + network now already includes four facilities.